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Rocky Hill Little League Code of Conduct


1. Coaches/Managers/Umpires are role models.  As such they shall always conduct themselves so as to maintain the highest principles, integrity and dignity of The Game.

2. Coaches/Managers/Umpires are responsible for knowing, understanding and following all the rules of The Game as established by Little League Baseball, Inc.

3. All participants in The Game must adhere to the letter and the spirit of all rules.  It is the coach’s/manager’s responsibility to make sure that all players understand the rules and their spirit.

4. Coaches/managers/umpires are major participants in The Game.  The coach/manager/umpire shall neither exhibit nor tolerate any inappropriate behavior from others.  Swearing, derogatory language and out-of-control behavior will not be tolerated.

5. The use of tobacco, illicit drugs and alcoholic beverages in any form is prohibited on the playing field, benches or parking lot.

Coaches/Managers/Umpires who fail to uphold the Code of Conduct are subject to disciplinary action, such as removal of managing/coaching/umpiring privileges.


1. The ability to participate in The Game of baseball/softball is an opportunity, not a right.

2. Players shall always conduct themselves so as to maintain the highest principles, integrity and dignity of The Game.

3. Players shall always adhere to the spirit and the letter of the playing rules as established by Little League Baseball, Inc.

4. Players accept the authority of all coaches and game umpires.  At no time is it appropriate to demonstrably question the decisions and actions of coaches or game umpires.

5. Player’s actions will never deliberately jeopardize the safety and wellbeing of opponents, teammates, umpires or spectators.

Players who fail to uphold the Code of Conduct are subject to disciplinary action, such as the removal of playing privileges.


1. Like coaches, parents/guardians are role models.  As such, they shall always conduct themselves so as to maintain the highest principles, integrity and dignity of The Game.

2. Like players, parents/guardians accept the authority of all coaches and game umpires.  At no time is it appropriate to demonstrably question the decisions and actions of coaches, game umpires or league officials.  Swearing, derogatory language and out-of-control behavior will not be tolerated.

Failure to uphold the Parent/Guardian’s Code of Conduct will result in disciplinary action against the Parent/Guardian and/or the player, such as the removal of playing privileges from the player or spectating privileges from the parent/guardian.

The actions of players, managers, coaches, umpires and league officials must be consistent with Rocky Hill Little League Code of Conduct.  Any player, manager, coach, umpire or league official who is involved in a verbal or physical altercation or an incident of unsportsmanlike conduct, at the game site or any other Little League activity is subject to disciplinary action. All participants, players, parents, umpires and coaches shall recognize that each board member has an obligation to address violations of the Code of Conduct, to the extent such board member observes and perceives same, and the disciplinary committee will investigate any such report of an incident in the same manner in which it investigates any other report.

Reports of violations of the Code of Conduct are to be submitted in writing to the Discipline Committee.

Strong communication between coaches, players and parent/guardian is vital to the success of a team. We encourage all coaches and parent/guardians to develop and maintain open lines of communication.

At times, coaches and parents/guardians may have an issue about coaching styles, playing time, discipline, etc. It is imperative that discussions between coaches and parents/guardians be conducted civilly and at a location that is away from the rest of the team.  If the tone of any discussion escalates into something other than civil or is conducted publicly, the discussion between the coach and parents/guardians should end immediately and be taken up again at a less emotionally charged time, or can be taken to the President of the Rocky Hill Little League Board of Directors.

At any time, a coach and parents/guardians can refer any questions or problems to the President of the Board rather than engaging in a one on one discussion.  The Board will resolve all issues and has ultimate authority in all cases.  The Discipline Committee may also find it necessary to intercede without invitation in any situation that it feels is not being addressed or handled properly.

Penalties for Infractions of Rocky Hill Little League Code of Conduct:

Ejections/Misconduct (Manager, Coach, Parent, Spectator (14 years and up):

A.      The first occurrence results in suspension for the rest of the game (removal from game site) in which ejection occurs, and for the next scheduled game.

B.      The second career occurrence is a five game suspension.

C.     The third career occurrence is a minimum ten game suspension up to lifetime ban.

D.     The fourth career occurrence results in a lifetime ban.

E.      If all coaches listed on the team’s roster are ejected during a game; then the team must forfeit upon the removal of the last coach.

F.      Two occurrences that result in suspensions, in a season, will make you ineligible to coach a Tournament Team.

Ejections/Misconduct (Players and Spectator (13 years and under):

A.      The first occurrence results in suspension for the rest of the game (removal from game site) in which ejection occurs, and for the next scheduled game.

B.      The second career occurrence is a three game suspension.

C.     The third career occurrence is a minimum five game suspension up to lifetime ban.

D.     The fourth career occurrence results in a lifetime ban.

E.      Two occurrences that result in suspensions, in a season, will make you ineligible to play on a Tournament Team.

F.      Lifetime ban means no form of participation other than spectator up to the age of 18 years old.

Any suspension does not include the game in which the incident occurred.

For all suspended individuals (Managers, Coaches, Parents, Players and Spectators, of all ages) you are not allowed at the game site, which includes Rocky Hill Little League game sites and District game sites, in any capacity or to any other Little League activities during your suspension or life time ban.

The Disciplinary Committee has the discretion of increasing any suspension based on the severity and nature of the incident (physical, verbal, etc.).

A written appeal of the ejection can be submitted to the Disciplinary Director of Rocky Hill Little League within 24 hours of notice of suspension.  The written appeal must be submitted by the accused or legal guardian.  The Disciplinary Committee has 48 hours of receipt of the appeal to respond with their decision on the appeal, but reserves the right to extend that time under extenuating circumstances.  Only one appeal is allowed per occurrence.

No appeal is allowed for a suspension that resulted from misconduct reported to the Disciplinary Committee if the Disciplinary Committee finds that the misconduct did occur.

**NOTE** Parent/Guardians electronically sign this during registration, agreeing that you have read understand and will abide by the conduct rules laid out here by the Rocky Hill Little League Board of Directors.


Rocky Hill Little League
P.O. Box 158 
Rocky Hill, Connecticut 06067

Email: [email protected]

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