Rocky Hill Little League Frequently asked Questions
What age can my child start playing in Rocky Hill Little League (RHLL)?
o Your daughter or son can start to play at the age of 4 years old based on their "league age".
How does RHLL determine my child's "league age"?
o Softball divisions are based on the players’ age on or before December 31 of the previous year.
o Baseball and Challenger divisions are based on players age on or before August 31st.
o Little League has a handy age calculator HERE
How long can they participate in RHLL?
o All Divisions can offer programs until they are league age 16 yrs old. However, the levels we can offer each season depend on the number of players interested and if we have volunteer coaches.
What are the different divisions that are offered for my child?
4yr Old T-Ball Rookie (Girls and Boys Co-ed)
● Player Little League Age 4 (no experience). Players are assigned to a team.
● No evaluations for this level
● Parent involvement requested
T-Ball (Girls and Boys Co-ed)
● Players Little League Age 5-6 (1st year playing). Players are assigned to a team.
● No evaluations for this level.
● Open for any Rocky Hill or “local” children between the ages of 4 and 16.
● Encourage and welcome kids with any disability or limitation
● No knowledge of the sport is required
● At least one parent must stay for the entire 1-hour clinic or game
● Contact Challengers Division Director for more info click HERE
Farm League
● Players Little League Age 6 with at least 1 year experience playing in T-Ball or Players Little League Age 7 with no experience.
● Players are assigned to a team.
● No evaluations for this level.
Minor League
● Players Little League Ages 8 with at least 1 year experience playing in Farm Players Little League Age 9 or 10 with no experience.
● Evaluations held for this level.
Major League
● Players Little League Age 9-12 with at least 1 year experience playing in Minors. An 11- or 12-year-old automatically moves up to Majors if they were in Little League as an 11 or year old.
● Players that do not successfully try out for a major softball team will be placed on a minor league team.
● Tryouts required for this level. (Players do not need to tryout again if played in Majors the prior year).
Juniors/Seniors League
● Little League Age 12-14. Rocky Hill typically fields 2 – 4 teams per season. The number of teams formed will depend on the number of players interested.
● Evaluations held for team placement at this level.
Minors – A League (Former Farm “Rookie”)
● Players Little League Age 6 and at least 1 year experience playing in T-Ball or Players Little League Age 7 with no experience.
● Players are assigned to a team.
● No evaluations held for this level.
Minors – AA League (Former Farm “A”)
● Players Little League Age 7 and at least 1 year experience playing in A League
● Players Little League Age 8 with no experience.
● Players that do not advance to the AAA League
● Players are assigned to a team.
● No evaluations held for this level.
Minors - AAA League
● Players Little League Age 8 with 1 year experience playing at A League in Little League and scored in top 15 % in evaluations,
● Players Little League Age 8 with 2 years experience at A/AA League playing in Little League and scored top 40% in evaluations,
● Players Little League Age 9 with no experience or Players that do not advance to a major league baseball team.
● Evaluations are held for this level.
Major League
● Players Little League Age 9-12.
● Players Little League Age 9 must have at least 1 year experience playing in AAA and must score in top 10% in evaluation scores.
● Players Little League Age 10 must have at least 1 year experience playing in AAA and must score in top 30% in evaluation scores.
● A 12-year-old automatically moves up to Majors if they were in Little League as an 11-year-old.
● The number of 9-year-olds will be limited to the number of Major League Teams. Players that do not successfully tryout for a major baseball team will be placed on an AAA league team.
● Evaluations are required for this level (Players do not need to tryout again if played in Majors the prior year).
How can I sign up to volunteer to assist RHLL?
We are a volunteer organization. There are lots of ways to volunteer, not all of them time-consuming. We always need people who can lend a hand for an hour or two for field preparations, announcing games, painting, concessions, opening day, etc. If you are interested in getting involved, please send an e-mail to [email protected] expressing your interest.
What does RHLL supply for uniforms?
● T-Ball, Challenger and Farm Divisions - each player will receive a numbered jersey and hat.
● Minors and Majors Divisions – each player will receive a numbered jersey, hat and socks that match their jersey.
What equipment does RHLL supply?
o Uniforms (See question above).
Each team is supplied with a bag that includes
▪ Batting helmets
▪ Bats
▪ First-aid kit
▪ Softballs or Baseballs
▪ Catching equipment (AA League and up)
What does my child need for equipment to play?
Each player should have their own:
▪ Glove
▪ Cleats (T-ball not required but HIGHLY RECOMMENDED)
▪ Baseball – Farm A and up are required to wear protective cups (Cannot play catching position without)
▪ Baseball pants (GREY pants for Majors through Farm levels)
▪ Softball pants (BLACK pants for Majors through Farm levels)
▪ T-Ball pants (GREY pants are recommended)
▪ Mouth Guard to play infield (softball majors requirement / baseball optional)
▪ Face Mask to play infield (softball majors recommended)
▪ Shin Guards – Both Legs (Softball requirement to be a Pitcher)
o Some players supply their own but not required:
▪ Bat (Must be Little League Approved)
▪ Helmet
▪ Baseball/Softball Bag
▪ Sliding shorts under their pants (Farm and up)
▪ Batting gloves
o Challenger Division - No Equipment is required to participate
How can I sign up to volunteer to coach my child's team?
o RHLL encourages and appreciates the members to volunteer to either assist or lead the coaching of a team. During your registration process for your child, there is a question to volunteer as an assistant or Head Coach. You can also contact the league director you are looking to volunteer for the particular division. All official assistant and head coaches must complete league background check conducted by the RHLL President. Forms can be located on our website under the registration tab.
When are team’s setups and how do we find out what team my child is on?
o Each division under the direction of its respective Division Director will establish a draft/player
o The coach that selected your child will contact you on the notification day for each division. We try to contact everyone in the division on the same day.
o Major’s and Minor’s teams are drafted based on the tryouts on dates that are determined by the Board of Directors.
o Player notification will be that Friday following the minors draft.
o Farm teams will have their player selection meetings conducted by the division Director, typically 7-10 days after following Major’s/Minor’s player notification and be contacted by the coach within a few days after the meeting.
o T-Ball has a player selection/coaches meeting and notification a few days after the Farm notifications.
Can we request a coach or teammates?
o Due to Minor’s and Major’s divisions being a draft format; we do not allow requests of teammates or coaches. Coach’s child is automatically placed on their respective team. Special requests must be approved by League Director.
o T-Ball and Farm: Yes, in the general comments section while registering for one can submit requests for coaches or teammates, BUT they cannot always be fulfilled.
When does the season start?
o Opening Day for games are set by the Board of Directors but is generally falling on the last Saturday of April.
o Practices begin at the beginning of April staggered by division starting off with Majors and continuing to our Minors and Farm levels.
o T-ball typically starts their practices in the middle of April.
o All of this is dependent on Rocky Hill Parks & Recreation letting us on the fields when they deem them ready.
How often are practices?
o T-Ball
▪ Have 1 practice during the week (fixed day through the season) and 1 game on Saturday each week.
o Softball
▪ Farm and Minors will have a few practices per week but will vary week to week based on field time
▪ Majors have practices 2 times during the week and practices on both Saturday and Sunday (through the month of April). Any practices after games are started will be communicated and scheduled by the coach through their division director.
o Baseball
▪ A/AA Leagues has 1 practice during the week (fixed day through the month of April) and 1 practice on either Saturday or Sunday (through the month of April). Any practices after games are started will be communicated and scheduled by the coach through their division director.
▪ AAA have 1 practice during the week and a practice on both Saturday and Sunday (through the month of April). Any practices after games are started will be communicated and scheduled by the coach through their division director.
▪ Majors have 2 practices during the week and a practice on both Saturday and Sunday (through the month of April). Any practices after games are started will be communicated and scheduled by the coach through their division director.
How often are games?
o After Opening Day games are scheduled during different times and days based on field availability and overall number of teams. The scheduling director will communicate the game schedules through the league website and coaches.
o T-Ball will have a game each Saturday
o Challengers will have clinics/games on Saturday
o Farm will have 1-2 games per week
o Minors and Majors will have 2-3 games per week
Are there programs offered in the Summer and/or Fall?
o Summer and Fall programs are typically based on volunteer involvement per each division as well as player interest. Contact the Summer/Fall Director for more information. Email requesting interest to play is sent out by end of May.
RHLL puts together summer travel programs for different age group with surrounding towns. Try outs are not typically required for these teams.
▪ Travel Girls 7/8 (Farm & Minors)
▪ Travel Girls 9/10 (Minors & Majors)
▪ Travel Boys 7/8 (Farm A & Minors)
▪ Travel Boys 9/10 (Minors & Majors)
▪ Travel Boys 11/12 (Majors)
o RHLL has All-star teams that will represent RHLL in Little League tournaments. Teams are selected by the coaches and/or peers.
▪ Baseball Minors All-Star Team (Players selected by coaches)
▪ Softball District 9/10 All-Star (Players selected by Player ballot and Coaches)
▪ Softball District 10/11 All-Star (Players selected by Player ballot and Coaches)
▪ Softball District 11/12 All-Star (Players selected by Player ballot and Coaches)
▪ Baseball District 9/10 All-Star (Players selected by Player ballot and Coaches)
▪ Baseball District 10/11 All-Star (Players selected by Player ballot and Coaches)
▪ Baseball District 11/12 All-Star (Players selected by Player ballot and Coaches)
o Programs for 6yr olds have been offered and encouraged but is based on volunteer involvement and interest within group
o Summer programs typically will run from mid-June (conclusion of regular season) until end of July (or team is eliminated for tournament play)
o Fall programs typically will run from end of August until last weekend of October